Category Archives: Politics

Matt Walsh Doesn’t Respect the Office of the President, But He Should

Blogger Matt Walsh published a post yesterday entitled, “I don’t respect the president or his office, and neither should you.” Matt’s premise—as the title makes abundantly clear—is that we should not feel obligated to “respect the office” of the President.  Actually, he goes a step further by affirmatively arguing we should not respect it.

I won’t recap the whole post—if you want to read it for yourself, I imagine he would appreciate your visit. But here are a few highlights (lowlights?) that caught my eye: Continue reading Matt Walsh Doesn’t Respect the Office of the President, But He Should

Save Saeed – If He Was Your Spouse, Would He Be Worth It?

My predictions:

  1. This will be the most important thing you read today.
  2. Most of you are not likely to do anything about it.

I’m pretty confident about #1.  I’m really hoping I’m wrong about #2.

Here is my question.  If your spouse was being held in a foreign country, regularly beaten, in horrible conditions, deprived of essential medication, and at constant risk of death due to disease, malnutrition, or murder, would you be sufficiently motivated to advocate for his/her release? What if it was your close friend’s spouse, or a neighbor, or a co-worker?
Continue reading Save Saeed – If He Was Your Spouse, Would He Be Worth It?

State of the Union Crib Notes

If you missed the State of the Union Address, but want to be able to discuss it with your friends and co-workers, this is the post for you.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, I have assembled a set of three talking points to enable you to carry on a coherent conversation about this important annual event.  As a bonus, I’ve added a few tips to help you avoid any missteps.  Without further ado:
Continue reading State of the Union Crib Notes